Saturday, October 3, 2015

The hardest part...

"The hardest part in starting a new journey is taking a leap of faith right at the beginning..."
- Unknown

Isn't that the truth? Trying something new can be the hardest action to face. We ask ourselves:

"What if I fail?"

"What if this isn't where I'm supposed to be?"

"What if I make a fool of myself?"

"What if I have so many new thoughts in my head that I can't write the first blog post?"

Okay, so maybe that last one only applies to me at the moment, but in all seriousness, why is it so hard to take that leap of faith and begin to live in the newness of what lies ahead? 

Before jumping into this year of adventure in Hungary, I was struck with feelings of both excitement and terror. I found myself second guessing the call I had heard from God and constantly asked, "Is this truly where God is asking me to be for the next year of my life?" Through countless conversations and encouraging smiles and hugs, there was one truth that emerged: 

"God is already there, and is here with you now. God's got this."

I found comfort in these words, and I was surprised at how many people in my support system had spoken them. But honestly, I don't think I fully believed them... until I arrived in my placement site of Békéscsaba, Hungary. 

It was true. God was already in Békéscsaba, and still is. I had all the proof I needed. 

I saw God in my first meeting with Péter, my site placement mentor, as he met me with joy, peace, and excitement. 

I saw God in the smiles and welcoming eyes of my new colleagues at the Évangélikus Egyház (Lutheran Church) and the Évangélikus Gimnázium (Lutheran High School). 

I heard God in the simple conversations with each new person I encountered. 

I heard God in the voices of the choirs with which I will be working. (I know, right?!)

I encountered God when I was invited into a classroom filled with laughter to see the talents and creativity of students attending the Müvészeti Szakközépiskola (Vocational Art School). 

My anxious heart was calmed. 

This journey has been opened, the leap of faith has occurred, and the beginning has passed. The first blog post has been written. Anxiousness will still exist, but will always be met with peace and an invitation from God. What lies ahead has yet to be determined. 

But of one thing I am sure:
God was here before I arrived, is here now, and will continue to be for eternity. 

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